Volume 06 - Issue 04 (April 2022)


Title: Addressing the Electricity Shortfall in Pakistan through Renewable Sources
Authors: M. Tayyab Anjum, Eylem Gülce Çoker
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 09, Vol 06 - No. 04, 2022
Abstract: The subject of study is addressing the shortfall of electricity by renewable energy sources. The shortfall in Pakistan is increasing because the electricity generation is low as compared to electricity demand, also there are some other causes which include growing household demand, financial management, governance issues, etc. All these causes are putting a huge bad impact on the stability of the system and this electricity shortfall is the main cause of slow economic growth. Pakistan is already making its electrical energy from coal, natural gas, biomass, hydro, and other renewable resources but that amount of energy generated is not sufficient to meet the energy needs of Pakistan. Because these fuels are not sufficient Pakistan is facing a shortfall of oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear. So the alternatives such as renewable energy sources that can be used instead of fossil fuels are studied which are in excess amount and free. To overcome this shortfall and increase the overall electricity production the examples of China, India and Turkey are being studied and the lesson learned about how they have overcome their increasing electricity demand challenges. To check the feasibility of the RE sources to overcome the electricity shortfall the comparison of the QASP solar power plant Pakistan and the Karapinar solar power plant based in Turkey has been made which consist of the power output of the plant, specifications of the plant, and the benefits after the deployment of these solar power plants.
Keywords: Renewable Energy, Electricity shortfall, QASP
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Title: The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Sense of Calling with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Amanah Ummah Hospital
Authors: Gita Danupranata, Amin Pujiono
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 10 - 15, Vol 06 - No. 04, 2022
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the variables of spiritual leadership and motivation that affect the sense of calling variable. The population in this study were non-structural medical personnel at Amanah Ummah Hospital, Purworejo. The number of samples in this study were 75 samples derived from primary data, which was obtained directly from the first source using questionnaire data collection techniques. The variables used in this study are spiritual leadership and motivation as independent variables, while the dependent variable is sense of calling.
The data quality test used is a test of validity and reliability. Classical assumption test includes normality test, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity test. The hypothesis test used is t statistical test, f statistical test, path analysis. Research results 1) Spiritual leadership has a significant effect on motivation. 2) Spiritual leadership has a significant positive effect on sense of calling. 3) Motivation has a significant positive effect on sense of calling. 4) Spiritual Leadership has a significant positive effect on Sense of Calling through Motivation.
Keywords: Spiritual Leadership, Motivation, Excellent Service, Sense of Calling
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