Current Issue

Volume 08 - Issue 04 (July - August 2024)


Title: Navigating the Road Ahead: Assessing Challenges, Safety Implications, and Public Perception of Self-Driving Vehicles
Authors: Bijin Philip, Khushi Chhetry
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 08, Vol 08 - No. 04, 2024
Abstract: The integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs), also known as self-driving cars, into the transportation system promises to significantly enhance road safety by reducing accidents caused by human error. This study explores the potential of AVs to ameliorate road safety and mitigate human error-related accidents through advanced sensor technologies, rapid reaction times, and consistent driving behavior. The research highlights the multifaceted benefits of AVs, including improved mobility for underserved demographic groups, increased traffic efficiency, and reduced parking demands. However, it also addresses the technological limitations, ethical dilemmas, regulatory challenges, and public perception issues that must be overcome for AVs to be widely adopted. Through a comprehensive examination of current literature and analysis, this paper underscores the importance of ongoing collaboration among researchers, industry stakeholders, policymakers, and the public to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AV technology. The findings suggest that while AVs hold significant promise for enhancing road safety, a balanced approach that incorporates technological advancements, ethical considerations, and regulatory frameworks is crucial for their successful integration into the transportation ecosystem.
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Title: Discretizing Continuous Distributions - A Comparative Study
Authors: Krishnakumari.K and Dais George
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 09 - 28, Vol 08 - No. 04, 2024
Abstract: Recently discrete distributions have played a significant role in modeling real world scenarios. Though a large variety of discrete distributions are originated, the existing distributions are unfit to model many practical situations. Now a days, various discretization methods are proposed to derive discrete versions of continuous distributions especially for modeling survival data. In this article, we consider a review of various discretization methods and the distributions thus discretized so far. The discrete analogues of some continuous distributions viz. Burr, Exponential, Gamma, Generalized Exponential, Laplace, Log Cauchy, Normal, Pareto, Rayleigh and Skew Laplace are reviewed. A comparison on various discretization methods is also carried out.
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