Volume 05 - Issue 11 (November 2021)


Title: Improve Thermal Effectiveness by Using Spiral Longitudinal Fins inside a Parabolic Trough Solar Collector- a review paper
Authors: Muqtada Hayder Hadi Alsaekal, Prof. Dr. Ahmed F. Khudheyer
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 04, Vol 05 - No. 11, 2021
Abstract: It can be known from heat transfer science, to enhance the heat transfer which leads to improving the thermal performance, it can be change the one of the two important parameters, first parameter can be considered is the geometry which taken here in this work and the second parameter is to change the working fluid that used to work the system. Swirl generators or turbulators are discussed and evaluated in this article, which deals with one parabolic trough solar collector. In this article, four different schematics of the collector are analyzed.For this objectives, this article had been prepared in order to prepare a comparative literature from the previous researches to analyze the solar energy by using the parabolic trough collector with an absorber pipe with new configurations.
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Title: Integration of Hybrid Grids in Smart Grid
Authors: Muzammil Riaz, Dr. Mehmet Emin Tacer
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 05 - 12, Vol 05 - No. 11, 2021
Abstract: The subject of study is the integration of a Hybrid grid in a traditional grid by using wind-connected AC-DC converters or DC-AC inverters and PV maximum power extraction using the MPPT method. As the grid used for our power system is the old century grid and works with fossil fuels for electricity generation. To overcome the problems created by fossil fuels use of RES or Hybrid Grid is suggested. The power generated from RE sources can be enough for an island or a small area but big areas or grid-level integration of HRES with traditional grids is needed. But it’s not quite simple because the outputs are not the same, unregulated and when connect with local grids produce fluctuations, frequency differences, and many more faults. A control network is proposed in this thesis. The whole conversion system is consisting of wind-connected AC-DC converters and IGBT’s controlled DC-AC inverter and PV maximum power extraction system using MPPT with Battery storage. At last combined Matlab simulation of HG consisting of PV and Wind as a subsystem with results is given. The major difference of this research from the literature is the use of multiple renewable sources in power systems and their integration with large-scale power grids
Keywords: HG (Hybrid Grid), MPPT, PV, RES
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