Volume 05 - Issue 10 (October 2021)


Title: Analysis of the influence of advertising on the frequency of post-purchase dissonance in a selected sample of responden
Authors: Ing. Martin Vavrek, Dr. Martin Mudrík
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 05, Vol 05 - No. 10, 2021
Abstract: This article deals with the problematics of the post-purchase dissonance phenomenon in the period of time when consumers' shopping habits were affected by measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. That resulted in consumers being in many cases forced to switch to online shopping for safety reasons. Without the possibility to try the products before the actual purchase, the expectations were formed only through advertising. The aim of this article was to identify whether and to what extent advertising can have an effect on the increase of post-purchase dissonance. Based on the research, it brings conclusions that could be helpful in trying to gain a more thorough understanding of the chosen issue.
Keywords: Advertising, consumer behavior, influence, post-purchase dissonance.
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