Volume 04 - Issue 06 (June 2020)


Title: Analysis of Technology Product Commercialization Readiness Using the Model of Technology Commercialization Readiness Level: A Case Study at the National Laboratory for Starch Technology with Fermented Tapioca Production Technology Products
Authors: Aton Yulianto, Sigit Purwanto, Palupi Tri Widiyanti, Ferdy Pradana
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 05, Vol 04 - No. 06, 2020
Abstract: The low product utilization from research, development, and engineering (R&D) in industrial sector indicates that the successful application of technology products is not only determined by technical factors of technology, but also the readiness of R&D institutions and universities in commercializing the technology. An effort to identify the readiness to use technology products is appraised by an instrument for evaluating the commercialization of technology. This study assesses twelve qualification factors consisting of commercialization experience, general management, functional management, technical sales and support, liquidity and access to capital, competitive position, customer knowledge, customer commitment, affordability, intellectual properties management, sales forecasts, and forecast uncertainty. As a case study, Technology Commercialization Readiness Level (TCRL) is applied to B2TP with the results of R&D in fermented tapioca products on a fiscal year of 2018. The result shows that TCRL from B2TP had a total value of 5.75. This shows that a comprehensive improvement effort is needed especially at the concept, system and technology stages.
Keywords: R&D and engineering, technology products, qualification factors, technology commercialization.
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