Volume 03 - Issue 10 (October 2019)


Title: Impact of Perceptual Value of Luxury and Its Significance across Various Culture and Diverse Market
Authors: Muhammad Suleman, Prof. Dr. Burcin Kaplan, Prof. Dr. Julian Voss, Prof. Dr. Stephan Weiblzah
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 01 - 08, Vol 03 - No. 10, 2019
Abstract: Luxury is more about desired experience and understanding the value as compare to status quo, symbol or trophy. luxury products are easily differentiated with their basic characteristics and give value to the luxury over ordinary products effectively. The characteristics which are included in luxury value is the quality, uniqueness, financial value, aesthetic and status focused. All these features in a luxury product give more high rating as compared to the product with less features. Intangible and situational utility in relative to price is high as compare to the functional utility of the price. Luxury is influenced by individual perception, and individuals’ definitions depend upon what they value. This quantitative study, result suggested that each continent is different from each other for luxury value perception in total mean. But, all the basic drivers of functional, individual and financial and social values are important and vital to find the luxury consumption in any part of the world currently. The heterogeneous role of market and characteristics of a product plays a vital role to implement strategies effectively to influence the luxury consumers around the world. Luxury Value perception can easily be increased by the development of individual social standard which makes them pleasant in the environment. It is more about satisfying the need of consumer psychology which motivate them to pay desired amount once they are satisfied and give them social superiority in culture. Each consumer priority is different from another in same culture and not only this each continent culture priority is also different as well. Primarily, cultural perceived luxury value either as an individualistic approach or collective which is further develop by the social status quo. Current Literature forced this idea to develop further about the influence of detail understanding about religion and norms in culture, because religion and norms are very much important to cultivate culture in detail. Which help the future of this study to understand luxury perception acceptance in detail in various culture in the world. And in the last, it is assumed that 184 respondents are very low to develop understanding about two big continent and it must be further evaluated among countries which can justify luxury perception more effectively. And significance of cross culture is improved because each country has its own culture driven by different religion and norms.
Keywords: Luxury Value Perception, Individual and Financial value, Functional Value, Social Value and Cross Culture.
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Title: Factors Affecting Green Purchase Intention for Consumers in the Moderation Effect of Price Sensitivity
Authors: Haneen Waleed Arif Arif, Assist. Prof. Dr. Müge Örs
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 09 - 22, Vol 03 - No. 10, 2019
Abstract: As the world is witnessing a massive development in various fields, this development has caused severe damage to the environment and to the depletion of natural resources. As a result, environmental issues have become one of the most important concerns in the 21st century. Under these changes, companies and organizations around the world have started to call for the preservation of the environment and make the world a more suitable place to live, where a lot of businesses and organizations started to reconsider their social and ethical responsibilities in their marketing practices, by giving the environmental dimension a prominent importance in their marketing strategies. Hence, a new trend in marketing has taken a place, known as green marketing, which is about giving a strong commitment to environmental responsibility in marketing activities. This research aimed at studying factors that influencing the intention for buying green products. For running this process, a questionnaire sample was distributed among 251 people in order to get a response regarding the factors that influence the green purchase intention. According to the findings, it was seen that Green advertising, Environmental Involvement and Subjective Norm influence the Green Purchase intention. The labeling hypothesis was rejected due to the lack of the respondents' perceiving. The moderation effect of price sensitivity could not be applied as it was removed from the model in the factor analysis.
Keywords: Environment, Green product, Green purchase intention, Green consumers, Green Marketing, Environmental concern, Green Advertisement, Subjective Norm, Knowledge.
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Title: Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty in Online Retail Shopping Environment in Pakistan
Authors: M. Zain Lakhani, Prof. Dr. Müge Örs
Source: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management, pp 23 - 31, Vol 03 - No. 10, 2019
Abstract: Online retail shopping is a rapidly growing sector within e-commerce. With an increase in convenient technological platforms, online retail shopping has become the preferred method of shopping for millions of customers around the world. At the same time, a number of factors are important in influencing an individual’s decision to shop for retail goods online. Factors such as website design, content, product range, ease of delivery, pricing, online security, and user privacy, etc. have all been seen to have positive impact on customer’s decision to shop for retail goods online. However, research on the rise of online retail shopping and factors that influence online retail customers has been absent from Pakistan’s e-commerce industry. Furthermore, the underdeveloped state of online security and user privacy in Pakistan and their effect on the development of online retail environment is also understudied. This study aimed to fill this gap by conducted a primary quantitative research with customers of online retail shops in Pakistan. After surveying a sample of 275 online retail customers, this research has analyzed data using multilinear regression test, independent T-test, and ANOVA to find that in Pakistan online security and user privacy have a positive impact on customer loyalty towards online retail stores. It also finds that customer satisfaction from online retail shopping has a positive effect on customer loyalty towards online retailers in Pakistan. Lastly, the research finds that demographic characteristics of the customer such as gender, age, and marital status have a strong statistical relation to their loyalty with online retailers.
Keywords: Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Online Shopping, Online Security, User Privacy.
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